The NORTHERN KITE GROUP is for anyone interested in building and flying kites. The Group caters especially for those living in the Yorkshire / Lancashire corridor of towns stretching from York to Liverpool, although it is open to all and has members from all over the UK.
The Club has been in continual existence from 1978 and our members have acquired a great deal of experience which is freely shared among members.
Many of our members attend Kite Festivals both in the UK and abroad.
We have members of all ages, whose skill ranges from complete beginners to those who earn their living from making and selling kites.
As a club for in excess of twenty years the Northern Kite Group have been providing successful jaw dropping one day Kite Displays and two day full festivals for event providers such as Local Authorities, National Trusts and the like.
If you would like to discuss such an event please contact our club secretary – click here to email Club Secretary
Have a look here for a review of one of our most successful festivals held at Bridlington – click here
The Club also has a small library of books available on loan from the Club librarian.
Don’t forget to visit our Facebook page to catch up on all the latest news, events and gossip. See here for membership details and an application form.